If you see a basket you like, please contact us to check on availability. Quantities of some items are limited, but if there is a color scheme or theme you like, we are happy to create a custom basket that meets your needs.
* Solid baskets and water bottles can be personalized at no additional cost. Water bottles are BPA-free, and where possible, filled with candy and small surprises.
This basket features a Ty Beanie Boo, Pop Rocks Gum, notebook, flip-sequin slap bracelet, eight-color pen, ring pop, bouncy ball, and fruit slice putty. $28
This basket features two flip sequin slap bracelets, BPA-free water bottle filled with candy and small surprises, Metallic Marker craft, flip sequin journal, scented macaroon erasers, Pucker Pop lip gloss, panda coin purse, fry squishy, Ty Beanie Boo and a rainbow glitter pen. $60
This year-round favorite features a BPA-free water bottle filled with candy and treats, a llama notebook, llama nail art kit, sequin slap bracelet, Pucker Pop lip gloss, compact hair brush, llama drama hand sanitizer, fruit slice putty and a scented popsicle coin purse. $45
This basket features a "Happiness is Dance" shirt, "Dance" water bottle, notebook, pencil, mirror, mermaid sequin slap bracelet, and candy. $35
This basket features a water bottle filled with candy and small surprises, cat note pad, rainbow glitter pen, candy-scented lip gloss, unicorn squishy, and light-up bouncy ball. $25
Perfect for unicorn lovers, this basket features a water bottle filled with candy and treats, unicorn notebook, unicorn nail art kit, flip sequin slap bracelet, Pucker Pop lip gloss, unicorn hand sanitizer, fruit slice putty, brush compact, and a unicorn coin purse. $45