If you see a basket you like, please contact us to check on availability. Quantities of some items are limited, but if there is a color scheme or theme you like, we are happy to create a custom basket that meets your needs.
* Solid baskets and water bottles can be personalized at no additional cost. Water bottles are BPA-free, and where possible, filled with candy and small surprises.
This basket features 2 secret message pens (one for a friend!), ninja pencils, ninja wall crawlers, ninja erasers, 2 ninja action figures, ring pop, and bouncy ball. $30
The Rocket Ninja basket features Left Center Right dice game, candy, Rocket Copters LED slingshot rockets, Bean Boozled Jelly Bellies Game, Ninja Erasers, Goofy String, two secret agent pens (one for him and one for a friend!), bouncy ball, Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty, and a spinning eraser. $50
This "Speed Racer" basket features Goofy String, BPA-free water bottled filled with candy and small surprises, two Hot Wheels cars (so he can race them!), spinning eraser, fast-food puzzle cube, and a barrel of slime. $25
A night at home was never so much fun! Enjoy a game of Rock and Rolz Bounce Off, Phase 10, or Left Center Right while you snack on candy and popcorn. Popcorn bucket and "Game On" cups are included for extra fun.